Gut Microbiota: What is it and Why is it important

Gut Flora or the Gut Microbiota refers to the micro organisms that reside within the intestine of a human body. These micro organism may be present in the form of bacteria, fungi, archaea, viruses, and protozoans etc. And that too not of just one type, but many different species of each bacteria, which is ever known to human biological science. All these micro organisms can itself weigh up to 2-3 kgs itself, which is even more than the weight of human cells in certain cases and in this also only two-third of these micro organisms are common to most of the people while one-third is unique to the individual’s body type. And that is why it is highly associated with different types of human diseases, such as –

Luminal diseases, e.g. inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Metabolic diseases, e.g. obesity, diabetes.
  • Allergic diseases
  • Neuro developmental diseases, etc.

It is due to this important relation between the Microbiota and the human health only that it has managed to get a lot of attention from the biological researchers from around the world.

Why is it so important?

A normal Gut Microbiota consists of two types of Phyla or taxonomic subdivision rank holders namely Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. The ratio of their presence differs from human to human depending on their age, diet and additional intake of antibiotics. The main workings of these are:

  • Helping in digesting the foods which the small intestine and stomach alone has not been able to process.
  • Aiding in increasing the level of vitamins B and K by producing them.
  • Balancing the hyperactivity of other micro organisms’, maintaining the needed environment under the intestine.
  • It aids in strengthening the immune systems by acting or becoming one such system.

Growth and Development of Microbiota

Microbiota inhabits a human body from its birth. A new born baby starts to inherits their initial micro organism from the mother only depending on certain factors such as

  • The type of delivery the baby had, vaginal or caesarean.
  • The feeding baby had during the initial days of birth such as breast milk etc.

These micro organisms start to reside in different places in the body of the baby such as face, skin surface, etc. Although they are in composition & behavior different than what adult Microbiota is and it is at the age of 3 that they start to stabilize and resemble the adult Microbiota to work throughout the life, though it still depends on the feeding and environment outside and inside of the human body such as whether the concerned human is fully vegan or meat consumer. For example – A meat eater can easily digest harder foods than vegans as their Microbiota gets developed that way. Moreover, many humans’ intake additional probiotics enriched drinks or foods to stimulate and aid more Microbiota development as these probiotics activate good bacteria’s in the human body.

How does the gut microbiota involved in our life

The consumption of gut microbiota involved in different stages of life from small age people to adult age groups. The microorganisms involved are affect the intestine normally in most cases. The composition of microbiodata is highly personalized and these are determined by following the certain diet and maintain good environmental condition.The composition of gut microbiota may deals to some stomach upsets either temporarily or permanently. Japanese people uses the seaweeds in day to day life diet that produce the certain enzyme that will product our intestine from the gut microbiota.

The balance of microbiota may arise in some condition called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis may results in other related problem such as functional bowel disorder,inflammatory bowel disorder, allergies, obesity,diabetes. The consumption of microbiota may increase the several health related symptoms and the also some good gut microbiota is for the pathogen production, host metabolism and immune modulation. We have to take a serious note about micro organisms the may cause the chronic GI diseases. IBS irritable bowel syndromes that causes the stomach pain and discomfort this may leads to low graded intestine inflammation.

Obesity and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes and obesity is one of the serious problem the peoples are facing this decades. The obesity is is caused by the improper energy intakes that may also gut microorganism to passes throughout the that obes people have to concentrate on the right food which they have taken. And the type 2 diabetes also caused by the gut microorganisms may this also be one of the reason. The microorganisms are present in various part of the body and when they increase the bacteria\’s more the body metabolism gets affected. When they affects the metabolic rate the they slow down the functions of different parts of the body. These affects the liver in our body so the insulin produced by the liver can’t be get transmitted to different other parts these deals to type 2 diabetes.

Gut microbiota and bodies function

The gut microbiota plays an important role in our life and its body function there are different types of gut microbiota present in different part of our body. microogranisums presents in facial, breast, skin and vegina. The composition of gut microbiota are unique in each individuals. The gut microbiota contain trillions of bacterias, fungus and yeast these are ten times more in our body cell. There are 1000 different types of bacteria are found in human body but only some of the types are proven.

How to product gut microbiota

One of the easiest ways to the product from the microorganism is to eat the traditional foods and cultured dairy products prefer the fiber-rich foods like oats, nuts, beans, peas etc., Eat probiotic foods that can keep you away from the gut microorganism. Maintaining healthy diet manages the optimal environmental condition in our body that manages the beneficial bacteria in your gut. For the gut, microorganism takes the antibiotic along with the probiotic. Don’t take the antibiotic and probiotic at the same time first take probiotic after an hour takes an antibiotic. Avoid the toxines increased foods and also avoid the processed foods, beverage and stay away from the sugar.   


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